Medical Owl

Medical Owl

05 October 2011

15 days short of a year ago... right before Pop Pop Passed

Wrote this 15 days short of a year ago.... right before Pop-Pop passed. I never wrote. I should have written... retrospective on a year. Think of caffeine drawings, bird cylinders... likely the crazy quotient has decreased...

"Pass out from utter exhaustion the night before. Awake and walk down manhattan ave with one eye open.

Return home make 6 shots espresso and place into latte milk. Drink and feed birds. Clean house. Mop Floors. Become increasingly disgusted with state of kitchen and various dumpings from daily adventures and subsequent late night home crashes. Carry on to cleaning off kitchen table.

Look for baby pictures. Become increasingly frustrated that cannot find pictures. Decide to clean off fridge photos.

Decide to move on to top of fridge cleaning. Quite an undertaking. Organize bills and papers from two years ago. Find many notes and cards from mother and friends. Feel very guilty must write to grandparents. Must call Dad. Must call sister, cousins, and brother. File cards away since can't throw out. Find many saved feathers from parrots. Try to throw out ... can't. Think of feather headpieces and birdie bodies and how long it takes to grow a feather and how they carefully must zip them together probably 50 times per day. Think of love. Think of baby egglettes. Make the 20th pile of feathers in a jar.

Coffee very good.

Think about Alex and Me. Think of warm feathery cylinders of beaky love. Listen to Griffin freak out gleefully to Cibo Matto and KNOW YOUR CHICKEN! WOOO! Apple! Water! Think about our new friend Goose. Must teach Griffin about the colour wheel and dressing like a gothic lolita. Must find stripey ribbon and velvet for new Griffin outfit. Find baby pictures! Elation. Then find hidden lightbulbs above oven. AHHHH! Must tell Andy/ Ahh! But we're not talking anymore. Feel bad. Feel mixed. Must get art materials.

Need to turn living room into a studio. Loving new Yeasayer album. Must go return phone and visit medical school. Must clean and windex every glosss surface. Can't find tweezers.

Spend about 30 minutes trying to unscrew sink pipe, convinced the tweezers fell into drain while I cleaned the bathroom. Look for another set of tweezers in mobile facial kit. Find skin care goodies and freak out. Eventually I find tweezers that were NOT in drain on mouse pad. Realize the sheer insanity of it all. Feel great that house is clean. Now it's all White Pepper Ice Cream lounge.

Feeling really good.

Trying to make quick imovie with pumpkins. Try to remove audio. "This will only take a second," Ha! Lauren you know this will take 4 hours. \

Refocus. Leave video alone. archive.

Must write this down and illustrate later with small drawings of caffeinated craziness. I am insane.
Is caffeine a drug?

This is why I find it difficult to leave the house.


I believe my leaving the house skills have improved ten fold.

15 March 2011

Post Mortem Joey Drawing

In memory of dearly missed Joey, who departed from this world earlier this month.