Medical Owl

Medical Owl

14 October 2010

October 2010 Inventory

Taking Inventory on a Nice Cool Fall Evening.

/Begin Inventory

One Gus Cat about to be tied in a nice black ribbon:

One Roxie Cat Thinking about her next Drool Tactic Strategy:

One NurseFactory Nurse who is drawing said inventory:

One Marko Owl who is diligently and patiently sharing Nice Music with me:

Total: Four Nice Things.

End Inventory. \

02 September 2010

Dead Crow Copper Drypoint

the seasons come in
All the nights are woven
All the nights we'll see them through -PM

Was feeling particularly caffeinated this morning. Took this etching off my wall, unframed it, and scanned it properly.
2003 . Reminded me of Falls past.

18 August 2010

Give them ice for their fevers You're the only thing I ever want anymore

I always see this girl on the G train... and somewhere else. I can never figure out where. I looked up this evening and as I waited for the train to leave to take me home from work, she was sitting there. Highlighting something on a paper. I drew it inside the jacket of the This Side of Paradise, since it was the only paper thing I had. So this is what you get in about as fast as two stops.

05 August 2010

We will do everything you want

"Why don't we keep on and travel now when it can never be more fun? We will do everything you want. "Ernest Hemingway GoE

19 July 2010

Tatiana Avec Wenny

Glamourous world travelers always make sure that their cockatoo companions wear diamonds, have a shiny polished beak, and speak eloquently.

Knife girl pre op

Stylized slaying. .. or perhaps just cutting pomegranates...

06 July 2010

Kingfisher I drew on a shirt for my father.

Today Wednesday is so hot that she won't even sing. I wet down her feathers under a cold rain of shower water and she dried in the time it takes me to fill the iced water pitcher. I'm taking her for a bike ride now to the studio, so that she can feel the wind in her feathers the way that she loves and then in return she will pose for me so that I can draw her.

The water is coming out of me in large detoxifying droplets. I can feel my molecules pulling tighter together. The city makes that happen. Ye of substance shall survive this heat and gain foresight.

I'm becoming closer to God with every thought of the bleeding dove prayer card and walk by the Episcopal church... When will they hold their blessing of the animals so that Wednesday will be allowed in to pray for a cold clean lake for us all?

I can feel it taking hold

Now i am an animal

Now i am a chemical

Once again

05 July 2010

The woods are lovely, dark, and deep.

A lady came in and said that her clothes were covered in blood, but there were no marks on her skin.

This picture is the other half of another picture.

Drawings can be broken in half, changed, colored, added red and black. No one would know what the other half held unless it was shown. Here is a woman whispering into the ear of a deer. It was drawn nearly two years ago. Outside of PS1 it smelled of blueberry danishes. Inside me I felt like blood. Outside me it looked like white flesh and a sketchbook.

The two drawings would fit together. For every drawing, what is on the opposite side, the back, underneath, torn out?

Why do we keep certain ones to ourselves, secret, whispers to a silent creature?

We save some for dessert. The woods are lovely, dark, and deep.

02 July 2010

28 June 2010

It can be poisoned, or made perfect.

This is a little list. I carry it around like a little rotting scrap in crazyperson fashion in my bag or notebook. The reason is that the Pulley Raven is a recurring theme and I would like to remind myself visually of where the parts go. The bottom part is added by AWA. His beast paws are about to grasp the bird. I love this drawing. It's rather Picasso- minotauresque!

Now for some installation shots:

And Future site next to Shepard Fairey with Wenny helping me scout:

Full view of this wonderful corner that will take some big parrot balls to master:

Inventory: Taking Inventory

Pictured above: Meta Inventory

This morning I sewed Android's pants with my precious 1890 sewing machine. I think they should last him for another 2.3 years at least. I had to tighten the leather belt-driver, and got the metal piece jammed under my thumb trying to dislodge it. I even did some preventative medicine, namely in the crotch and the cell-phone wearage areas. I sat and mended parts he didn't even know were broken yet so that he had to wait around without pants in my room longer.

Inventory of Reasons:
1. I carried TWENTY pounds of (intact) watermelon up the stairs in ONE HUNDRED degrees of Brooklyn Heat yesterday and posted a drawing on it and a BLACK satin ribbon with a secret note for his head to feel better. I drew his head wearing spiked welding goggles too and gave him extra hair.

2. I will never gain TWENTY pounds because that is a lot of extra weight to carry around in ONE HUNDRED degree weather.

3. I gave him a pedicure on his big Bear paws and even ceremoniously BUFFED and lacquered his toes with a clear coat (unsolicited but he had fallen asleep)

4. I sewed his pants on my ONE HUNDRED plus year old machine and drove a sharp piece of metal halfway under my thumbnail and did not cry (with tears)

5. I cut his fingernails.

More interesting things I've inventoried: (Taking Inventory)

1. Bird Drawing
2. SPF
3. Lab Partners
4. Table Salt
5. Sponge
6. Scrub Brush
7. Pumice Stone
8. Body Wash
9. Bleach
10. Razor Blade
11. Big Syringe
12. Ice Cubes
13. Happy Pills
14. Face Cream
15. Cell Phone
16. Fancy Scissors
17. Wenny Feather
18. Love Note
19. Candy Stash
20. Metro Card.

The inventory above happens in that order for a reason. The sewing machine orders the meta-inventory to illustrate another reason. The toenail-cutting inventory illustrates the obsessive-compulsive need to put one's skin and skin-pieces is order. When one's skin and skin-pieces are already in order, it is necessary to torment the males species' in immediate proximity to the point of exhaustion so that one does not "over-order" one's own pieces to the point of shredded pieces and subsequent malorder.

26 June 2010

I shot falcons out to remove all your masks!

So I might leave the House/Studio/Greenpoint area for the first time in many days to find a copy center and restock supplies.

Lo and behold, the printer birthed these last evening on a whim to go BIGGER:

I'm going to recolour them. I've run out of (waterfast) scarlet ink and my special Medical Sauce. I figure I can get a bigger size as well as save my precious printer ink.

.... so I fear the public gaze and the subway even more... I will just bring Wednesday with me as a buffer, as I've been doing everyday lately. She's excellent for closeup feather studies and children love her. Since PearlPaint closed I will have to go to Utrecht, then look for a place to copy these in the U.S. area


This video is completely gorgeous. I love this guy's work! Exploding falcons! Red black and white! I'm very much enamoured. Enameled... Thanks Bob for always turning me on to great music... (a talented artist too)

25 June 2010

When it is this hot, it makes your Talons BLEED!

When it is this hot, your Talons BLEED.

find me electricity...

"There is no use your telling me that you are going to be good,"

Dorian Gray shook his head. "No, Harry, I have done too many
dreadful things in my life. I am not going to do any more.
I began my good actions yesterday."

24 June 2010

Strange Attractor

An attractor is informally described as strange if it has non-integer dimension or if the dynamics on it are chaotic.

"Culture and corruption"

I traveled all over Bushwick, Greenpoint, and Williamsburg today.

I changed the name and the look a little. Medical Owl is too narrow a term. I also had to have a label, so I experimented with making some rubber stamps by hand. I noticed some wheatpasters use a library stamp to show day and date. Clever! But that is one more thing to worry about when you're trying to put it up really fast. There is also a reason that street art is usually in one place.

It means:
1. The building owner does not care or likes it
2. It is something like a phone pole or a USPS item... the City of New York and the Fire Dept are QUICK to remove anything on a pump or street lamp or a Do not walk Box.
3. It is probably in a good place with visibility of who is coming, dark at night, no cameras, and little population (at least at night).....

Sticking to artist enclaves and industrial wastelands (beautiful forests of the urban landscape...soon we will have a industrial section of Greenpoint picnic at being in the forest but surrounded by neon and concrete....)

Here is a taste of the next woodcut carving, in very early form. (first print run... she needs lots of tweaks. "I should think the novelty of the emotion must have given you
a thrill of real pleasure, Dorian,"
She was just having the best day of her life. Now she can't leave the house. Typical.

She may go nicely with a syringe or something else.

"Culture and corruption," echoed Dorian. "I have known something of both.
It seems terrible to me now that they should ever be found together. "

22 June 2010

I tell you, Dorian, that it is on things like these that our lives depend.

"Life is not governed by will or intention.
Life is a question of nerves, and fibres, and slowly built-up
cells in which thought hides itself and passion has its dreams.
You may fancy yourself safe and think yourself strong. But a chance
tone of colour in a room or a morning sky, a particular perfume
that you had once loved and that brings subtle memories with it,
a line from a forgotten poem that you had come across again,
a cadence from a piece of music that you had ceased to play--
I tell you, Dorian, that it is on things like these that our lives depend.
Browning writes about that somewhere; but our own senses will imagine
them for us. There are moments when the odour of lilas blanc passes
suddenly across me, and I have to live the strangest month of my life
over again. I wish I could change places with you, Dorian. The world
has cried out against us both, but it has always worshiped you.
It always will worship you. You are the type of what the age
is searching for, and what it is afraid it has found. "

top: Feather in Czech Glass Syringe, artist's private collection, gift from Griffin & Andy lover of birds
bottom: ink wash leg warmer girl, yellow sketchbook collection

Falcons in our Midsts...

There are falcons living in McCarren Park. One was looking hungrily at Wednesday. I watched them eat rodents atop the bright baseball diamond lights.


Medipoint lancet and gift tag stickers I made from Christmas

The girls are nurses and holding platters of birds.

There is a small amount of blood on the lancet.

but whose picture really fascinates me...

The modern medical garmenture required to protect oneself from city filth.

""Your mysterious young friend, whose name you have never told me, but whose picture really fascinates me, never thinks."

21 June 2010

Screaming Bird Amp!

ElectroHarmonix makes a synth pedal called the SCREAMING BIRD!

I was at the music store for Boys in Bands (Main Drag Music) in Williamsburg with Wednesday on shoulder.

The boys working there told me there is an ElectroHarmonix factory right here in Williamsburg and that they have a cockatoo!

No wonder.... She is so docile in public, but definitely a SCREAMING BIRD SYNTH PEDAL at home sometimes.


Completely inspired, covered in small nicks and cuts in my knees and fingers, and working amidst a squalor of wood splinters, I am WOODCARVING to save my life.

The two on the left are from yesterday and carved on a paint stick. The paint stick started to deteriorate rapidly due to its ECONOMY OF WOOD (dear God!) I rubbed it lovingly with coconut oil (for printer's fingers) and had to go back into it. So it is sort of Bi-Platal (layman's terms for color-overlay in two print run sequences.) I really enjoyed the effect of offset setting with the red and black ink. It feels very communist regime, and what more of a perfect place to house it than in Greenpoint, Brooklyn. I really want to put one near the post office (quite possibly the epitome/Government Headquarters of Greenpoint's Soviet Charm)

My other idea is to put them in a little zine and distribute it around my favourite little quirky hotspots. I'm going over to the studio soon and have another in the works.

Here is the Medical Owl I carved on Friday with his lovely Nurse Factory Syringe overlayed from the decrepit paintstick.